Qwear Halloween Contest 2018: Winner Models in our Next Fashion Show!

We are back for our 4th annual halloween contest! In years past we’ve been blown away by your creativity, craftsmanship, and humor. I have a feeling this year will be the best one yet!

This year, instead of having just 1 winner, we are giving out prizes to 3 winners!

First Prize:

  • Invitation to model in our next fashion show!! (Or nominate a friend)

  • T-shirt of your choice from Tyler Wallach Studio!

  • A Qwear style profile feature

Second Prize:

  • A Qwear style profile feature

  • Instagram feature

Third Prize:

  • Instagram feature

Model Jay Khady by nyelyntho at Qwear’s Dismantle Me Fashion show, Oakland, 2015

Model Jay Khady by nyelyntho at Qwear’s Dismantle Me Fashion show, Oakland, 2015

To enter: Tag yourself #qwearhalloween18 on instagram, or email photos and a caption to info@qwearfashion.com and we'll post them for you.

About Tyler Wallach:

Tyler Wallach is an innovative and independent queer artist living in Harlem, recognized for his bright and boldly colored street-art characters on both canvas and clothing. Referred to as “the 1988 love child of Keith Haring and Lisa Frank”, Tyler, a native Texan, hails New York City with 5+ years of experience painting and independently producing large-scale solo art shows, multi-faceted clothing lines, and brand integrated murals across the globe. Tyler has also adopted a unique form of interactive art by painting live, in-person at events throughout the country to further engage the conversation between visual artists and their audience. This live-painting style led Tyler to win the 2015 Brooklyn Nightlife Award for “Best Visual Artist”. Compassion and care for the LGBTQ community is a driving force of inspiration and has led Tyler to produce many multiple large-scale paintings a year that are donated and auctioned off by national LGBTQ charities with 100% of proceeds going toward at risk queer youth and anti-bullying efforts. In the past, Tyler has donated works of art to The Trevor Project, The Tyler Clementi Foundation, The Miami-Dade LGBTQ Business Association, Harrisburg PA LGBT Center, VOICES4, Callen Lorde, as well as many other queer organizations throughout the country.

Click here for more queer costume inspo!

Cover photo of past years’ winners + nominees: Manghoe Lassi By Humza A. Mian (@_humzer), Sparkly Cowardly Lion by adamarios, Marie Antoinette by cjcannibal

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Sonny Oram

Sonny Oram is the founder of Qwear and a leading voice in the queer fashion movement. For over a decade, he has been documenting, writing about, and experimenting with queer fashion, amplifying the voices and stories of LGBTQIA+ individuals. His expertise has been featured in major media outlets like HuffPost, BuzzFeed, Design*Sponge, and QTYPE Magazine, and he spoke at South by Southwest for the first official queer fashion panel in 2016.

Through Qwear, Sonny has launched powerful campaigns, including the award-winning #ThisIsWhatAsexualLooksLike with Yasmin Benoit, and continues to create spaces for underrepresented communities to be seen. He also utilizes search engine optimization (SEO) techniques to bring more diversity to online search results, ensuring that terms like “androgynous style,” “bisexual style,” and “asexual” reflect a broader range of experiences.

Sonny is also the author of the foreword for “Queer and Trans Fashion Brands: Resistance and Revolution in the 21st Century” (Bloomsbury Academic, 2025).


Ready to Stare at these AMAZING Engagement Photos?!


Gender Free and Fabulous: Backstage at dapperQ’s Dress Code with Corey Kempster, Jari Jones, and Devin-Norelle