Share your voice

Submit to one of these columns, or propose your own piece!

  • Qwear Fashion invites the community to submit style profiles.

    Please send at least 5 photos of three different outfits (At least 15 total.) Include a list of what you are wearing. Include answers to these questions:

    1. Where did you grow up, and where do you live now?

    2. How does fashion improve your mental health?

    3. How has your style evolved over the years

    4. How does your style express your identity

    5. Who’s your style icon

    6. What’s one piece of advice for people struggling to find their style?

    7. How do you identify? (Optional - this will help us tag the piece so others can find you)

  • Introducing Qwear Youth: a new column on Qwear Fashion by and for LGBTQIA+ people under 20. This column will cover topics including mental health, gender identity, and tools for finding yourself through fashion. The goal of the column is to increase the quality of life for young queer people by providing a community space to explore style and be themselves.

    All LGBTQIA+ youth under 20 are invited to be a part of this column!


    We are seeking poems, essays, photos, and personal pieces that explore how you express your identity through fashion and beauty. Please send your work to with “Qwear Youth Submission” in the title.


    Qwear Fashion is seeking youth under 20 to join the Qwear Youth team. Participants would gain valuable writing, editorial, and social media experience while forming community around the world.


    A minimum of 3-5 hours of work per week.

    Monthly meetings with the Qwear Youth team

    If you are interested in joining, please email with a one-paragraph statement including your name, age, location, and your interest in joining.

  • Please send between 3-5 photos of outfits to and answer these questions:

    1. Name you would like us to use

    2. Pronouns (optional)

    3. Where can we find you on social media?

    4. What does being polyamorous being to you?

    5. How do you express your sexual/romantic interests through your fashion?

Submission Directions

We welcome guest posts from the community. If selected, your piece will be published and our editors may reach out to you for edits.

Please fill out the form below or send submissions to 


Pieces can range between 500 and 2,000 words. Please include the text in an attachment in either a word or google doc.


If your post includes images of an outfit, please list your outfit details as follows, from the top to the bottom of the outfit as such:

Item 1: Brand
Item 2: Brand

If you do not know the brand or it was homemade, just explain!


Please include a one-paragraph biography in 3rd person which includes where you live and where we can find you online. 

If you have any questions regarding submissions, please email

Image Guidelines


Photographs must be sent in JPGs as attachments. Please title images with the name of your piece and numbered in the order that they appear in the piece. (Ex. "My piece 1.jpg")


Images must be a minimum width of 1500 px and a minimum resolution of 150 DPI. 


Please include photographer credit, including the photographer's website, if they have one. If you are using photos that are not your own, please find the source of the image and include it in the caption.


If your images include captions, enter them in the body of the email with the image number and caption.